Learn to Speak Cantonese 2


  • SKU: 4459
  • Ebook is also available on KindleGoogle Play Books, and iBook.

    It is not easy to leave one’s comfort zone to learn a new language and adapt to a new culture, as you might have learned from Gabriel in Book I. In Book II of the Learn to Speak Cantonese series, meet Ben, a polar bear, who’s starting an adventure with his best friend, Stormy, a Pomeranian dog. Together, the two are traveling to Hong Kong to advocate for green living!

    In this book, you will join Ben and Stormy as they spend twelve months living in Hong Kong and learning about the use of Cantonese. These two characters will take you around the city and cover practical skills, such as bargaining, acing a job interview, advocating for environmental sustainability, and more! Follow Ben and Stormy as they teach you about Hong Kong’s culture and everything you need to communicate in Cantonese.


    Author: Jade Jia Ying Wu
    Genre: Language Learning
    Tags: CantoneseChineseRecommended Books
    Publisher: InspirLang

    Paperback: 218 pages
    Publication Year: 2021
    Format: 7.5” x 9.25”
    ISBN:  9780999694657
    List Price: 24.99