Learn to Speak Mandarin I


  • SKU: 3163
  • Ebook is available on Google Play BooksApple Books, and Kindle. You can also purchase paperback on Amazon

    Imagine you have found your dream job at a company that is located in a different country, but you don’t speak the language of that country. This is the case for An An, the narrator of this textbook. An An is a brave panda from Washington, D.C. who learned Mandarin and traveled across the world to Beijing for his dream job interview. In this book, you will join An An for 10 hours (chapters) for his first day in Beijing going to his job interview and learning to speak Chinese in a variety of settings. An An will teach you everything you need to know to master basic conversational Mandarin. Follow along as he introduces himself to the job interviewer, describes his favorite pastimes, and as he meets his dream significant other, panda Ping Ping.


    Author: Jade Jia Ying Wu
    Genre: Language Learning
    Tags: Mandarin, ChineseRecommended Books
    Publisher: InspirLang

    Paperback: 148 pages
    Publication Year: 2019
    Format: 8.25”x6”
    ISBN: 9780999694626
    List Price: 21.99